4th Infantry Division
"The Ivy Division"
4th Aviation
Vietnam 1966-197

Donut Dollies

of Viet Nam

American Red Cross

These young women took time out of their lives to help.  They gave us a touch of home.  They reminded us of our sisters, family and friends.  They help us to overcome "home sickness".  They provided the very thing we missed the most.  They were the finest young ladies that we could have ever known and they deserve our highest respect and honor for their willingness to face the same dangers we faced.

Here are some websites that honor these young ladies.


Marilyn Knapp Litt's  Down Home Page

Emily's Donut Dollie page

The 4th Aviation Battalion provided the transportation for these young ladies from base camp to Landing Zones and Firebases. They traveled by convoys.

Here are a couple photos of those who were with the 4th Infantry Division.


Here are a couple waiting for a transport at Pleiku Air Force Base.  If I remember correctly they said they were headed for home for a visit.

Here are two that were with the 4th ID.  on the left is Carla and Maryenette.

We also had others, their names were Darlene, Mara, Jody

Here one of the girls was waiting for her helicopter to be refueled.  She is leaning on a fuel blivet.

Our Tribute - Never to forget - KIA - POW - MIA

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Aviation Battalion | Brigade Aviation Elements | D Troop | 7/17 Cav | Air CAV | Division Artillery (Dvarty) |
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If you have any photos that you would like posted that works with our web site, please send them email to us or contact us, all photos will carry the owners name.  tim@armyflightschool.org

Contact us    Email:  tim@armyflightschool.org
© 1998-2011 Timothy E. Wilkerson.  All rights reserved
Last updated February 20, 2011