Flight School of the U.S. Army, starting in the 50's in Oklahoma and Texas
History of flight training in the U.S. Army
Flight School "Today" in the U.S. Army
Where are we today?

This web site will tell a story of Army Aviation and of flight training from the beginning through the Viet Nam era to today.  The many website links, in the website, will give you a more complete and accurate history.

Here is a webpage that shows some information about Flight School.  These were handed out by Army Recruiters.  Here is what some of us were given.  Also on this link were the instructions given to attend the Army Flight School.

Becoming an Army Aviator was an experience, to say the least.  Each Warrant Officer Candidate and Officer was challenged to learn how to fly, the Army way.   Remember the saying "The Right Way, the Wrong Way and the Army Way?" Flying is an equalizer.  It didn't matter if you were a WOC or Officer.  To be a pilot you had to be trained and fly and your rank or anything else could not help you.  Here are lists of those who tried to teach us the Army way.  They are the Flight Instructors and TAC Officers and WOC Company personnel.

This task was especially hard for the members of other services, like the Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard to learn to fly helicopters the Army way because they had to go back to their own service to complete their training.  Talk about re-education..

After taking a series of tests and passing the qualification exams, you were selected to FLY with the Army.

In the beginning, there we were, fresh from basic training, some of us still wet behind the ears, OCS (Officers Candidate School) or ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Course), coming from colleges and universities, others from units from around the world, were here for one purpose, to fly Army Aircraft or begin a career in Aviation.

Most of us were WOCS (Warrant Officer Candidates), this was our first indoctrination to the Army and becoming a WARRANT OFFICER, now that was a challenge.

To those who flew in the Army, remember the flight school days, when everything was new and fresh. Through the efforts, skills and patience of our instructors, both ground and air, most of us survived flight school.

After flight school, we helped write the Army manual for flying in Vietnam and other conflicts using helicopters.   We would use our skills with fixed wing aircraft, like the Caribou, to do things no other branch of service could do or would do. We made our mark in history forever.

We especially send our thanks to each flight instructor, each ground school instructor and to the TAC Officers for their knowledge, support and patience which they freely gave, at risk of life and limb. (Viet Nam was safer for them.)

Please, We must never forget those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.  Also a special thanks and tribute to those who have given parts of their bodies, the men and women, who came home full of heart and soul to continue their lives in the freedom for which they fought, not only in Viet Nam, but for each conflict which faced our country.

Most Viet Nam Veterans came home and led a successful life. Most Veterans, of all wars, started and ran successful businesses, or worked their way to the top of their professions faster than anyone else their age who did not serve.  Like veterans from all of our wars and conflicts, veterans are the best of America.  It didn't matter if these professionals came from Beverly Hills or back waters of Louisiana.  It didn't matter whether they were rich or poor, tall or short or any other differences, they were willing to give their all for our country.  Without them, we would not be here and you would not be reading this page.

Thank You

Help is needed to collect information concerning aviation accidents during flight school at all U.S. Army flight training sites. (Fort Sill, Fort Rucker, Fort Wolters, etc.) Please email us at tim@armyflightschool.org or to www.vhpa.org with any information you may have for U.S. Army flight training from 1950 through 1972.

First Stop

Fort Wolters, Texas

We would like to make a special tribute: to THE TEAM

The Team, the flight crew, the pilots, crewchiefs, door gunners, flight engineers, medics and all that served in the capacity as crew members.  We wish to thank you for your support and contribution to the success of the mission.  It takes a team effort to keep the aircraft flying.   We also thank the mechanics in the hangers, the POL crews, the AMMO crews and everyone else who helped keep our birds flying.

THANK YOU  You are part of us and we of you.  We are the team.  Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.

This is why we serve and defend our country.

The Declaration of Independence

The Constitution of the United States of America

"Most bad government has grown out of too much government"
Thomas Jefferson

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of bullshit."
General George S. Patton Jr

Email us at: tim@armyflightschool.org
All photos and clipart are the property of Tim Wilkerson or contributors to the website. The photos are copyright protected. Clipart not owned by us, comes from shareware or freeware. If you feel that any photos or clipart is yours and you hold the copyright, please advise us and we will immediately remove it from this web site.

© 1998-2016 Timothy E. Wilkerson,CW3(retired).  All rights reserved
Last updated April 15, 2016